Association Sports Club Capoeira Brasil GCB Świnoujście has officially joined the World Capoeira Federation today, with the aim to promote Capoeira and represent the WCF in Poland.
The main aims of the club's activity are:
1. Physical education and sport,
2. Support and dissemination of physical culture;
3. Educational,
4. Promotion and propagation of capoeira martial arts; etc
Grupo Capoeira Brasil has been operating in Poland since August 2006. The group was founded by Formado Marcão (then Formando), thanks to the efforts of two capoeiristas Zimba and Serrinha (now ranks of instructor), who lead the Polish sections of Grupo Capoeira Brasil. On October 21, 2007, the first Batizado and Troca de crodão took place as part of the Capoeira Por Toda Vida festival organized in Poznań by GCB Polonia. After this event, the Polish sections officially became part of the GCB. In Poland, GCB has its sections in Poznań, Piła, Lubień Kujawski, Rumia, Świnoujście, Gostyń and Szczecin, Tarnów, Kraków and Skawina, and Oświęcim.
It should be noted that, the Associate members are those organizations in WCF which have partial rights, privileges and subordinate status. Associate membership is not subject to payment of a fee. Capoeira groups and any kind of capoeira organizations (Associations, schools, clubs etc) having aims and objects identical to those defined by WCF can request an Associate membership. The President of WCF adopts the decision on the admission of Associate member. Associate members may participate in WCF conferences with consultative vote. Associate members cannot nominate their candidates for elections. Upon admission to Associate membership, capoeira organization shall keep its cordão system and other attributes.